Rent To Own
Only registered companies/businesses are eligible for 'rent to own' offers.
Apply below.
Apply below.
The Jovo International Coffee Day Rent To Buy Offer
- Your personal and or company contact details will be shared with a registered and authorized financial services provider in the Republic of South Africa. They will contact applicants directly requesting standard company FICA documentation. Standard financial credit worthiness checks will be completed.
- Only online applications made on the JOVO website qualify for this offer.
- The offer is only valid for companies registered within the republic of South Africa.
- The Jura automatic coffee machines listed in the special offer will only be delivered within the borders of the republic of South Africa.
- The Jovo coffee listed in the special offer will only be delivered within the borders of the Republic of South Africa.
- Jovo Coffee does not accept responsibility nor will be held liable for deliveries made to incorrect addresses supplied by purchasers.
- Offer only valid to qualifying registered companies in the republic of South Africa.
- To qualify for the ‘rent to own’ offer, the following mandatory FICA documentation will be required and requested by the third party
-Company Registration document.
-ID’s of all Directors/ Members.
-Bank Letter – confirming Bank details.
-Vat Registration document.
-Letterhead – with Company address.